
Kodekloud Linux Challenge 2 solution | Install Nginx server & setup reverse proxy & firewall rules

Kodekloud Linux Challenge 2 solution | Install Nginx server & setup reverse proxy & firewall rules

kodekloud linux challenge series is a set of hands-on challenges designed to test your mastery of Linux concepts

In this tutorial, we will fix one of the real time issue of
– Troubleshoot the issues with “yum/dnf”
– Installing “nginx” & “firewalld” packages
– Starting and enabling services
– Add firewall rules to allow only incoming port “22”, “80” and “8081”.
– Configure Nginx as a reverse proxy

NB Tech Support Channel contains the most practical information on the task regarding Linux & DevOps.

Real-Time scenarios and Issues with their solutions. These scenarios will help for day-to-day activities in the production environment.

Please go through the Blog for a step-wise guide. Share your comments, Like, and share the knowledge

Happy Learning!!!!

Refer to Blog:- https://www.nbtechsupport.co.in/

Refer Gitlab Repo:- https://gitlab.com/nb-tech-support/devops.git

Register Free for Linux Challenge : – https://kodekloud.com/lessons/challenge-1-2/

Good Luck!!!

If you finding difficulty then please connect to www.nbtechsupport.co.in for online chat support

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