
Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | While, Do-While Loops & Increment Operator | Chap-1 | Part-8

Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | While, Do-While Loops & Increment Operator | Chap-1 | Part-8

For this part of Adobe Coldfusion 11, we will be introduced to two new looping types that is essential in all programming languages, namely – the while and do-while loops. Although they seem similar, but these two loops performs operations in two distinct ways. The while loop in Coldfusion can be written inside the cfscript tags. Coldfusion also has a built function that can be used instead of the cfouput tags. The while, in CFML, checks the condition before executing the block of code.

Powerpoint presentation freely available at: http://www.slideshare.net/ahmnafis/language-basics-coldfusion-primer-chap1

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