
The Internet Could Get New Domain Names via 2,000 New Applications

The Internet Could Get New Domain Names via 2,000 New Applications

It’s been the gold standard in web domain addresses for nearly 30 years, but .com is about to see some pretty specific challengers.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, a nonprofit organization that manages web domains, has received nearly 2,000 applications for new generic top-level domains from a wide range of companies.
Amazon submitted 76 applications, for domains like .music, .store, and .fire, while Time Warner sought to aquire .HBO. Several applications were submitted for the same domain, the hottest of which was .web. In the case over a dispute from multiple applicants with equal claims, ICANN says negotiations are possible.
The early rush will likely feature corporations. No matter how much you may disagree, dominoes may clinch the definition of its product with .Pizza, for instance. The good news is, with the hefty $185,000 price tag of applying for a specific domain, your little brother probably won’t be able to put your name in front of .sucks.

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