
Qwik JS Full Stack App | NGINX as API Gateway Reverse Proxy with Docker | Part 9

Qwik JS Full Stack App | NGINX as API Gateway Reverse Proxy with Docker | Part 9

NGINX is a fantastic API Gateway solution for SAAS applications that require manage frontends (in our case Qwik) with backends or various frontend and backend services. In our application, we will use NGINX as a reverse proxy, rate limiter and later on, authentication checkpoint for RBAC (Route Based Access Control). This truly is the glue of our application.

To deploy NGINX in both test and production, we will use Docker. Docker is a great way to quickly get NGINX up and running without dealing with all sorts of local machine quirks and issues. What’s more, it will come in really handy for NGINX deployment in the cloud later on.

We will need our Qwik JS application to run on port 3000. So we will set up a quick Qwik 😉 server to do this.

You may be wondering how we will use NGINX as a load balancer. We will not. However, I will show you how to do so regardless.

Blog for rate limiting by ip: https://yatingupta.medium.com/nginx-rate-limiting-on-actual-client-ip-address-cd07d917800d

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