Pharmacy Management System (Billing Register) Using C# and MSSQL.

Pharmacy Management System (Billing Register) Using C# and MSSQL.

Pharmacy Management System (Billing Register) Using C# and MSSQL.

Pharmacy Management System (Billing Register) can be used to manage the activities of a pharmacy store and other related kinds of stores. This solution can track individual drug batch expiration using the batch-based method, and also notify the user on or before the drug expires depending on the user’s settings.

To get this software or its source code kindly reach me on:
WhatsApp: +2347062670389, +2348064699975
Email: [email protected]

1. Item Manager
2. Sales Manager
3. Inventory
4. Point Of Sale
5. Drug Expiration Tracking
6. User & Role Manager
7. Role Permissions
8. Customer Tracking
9. Supplier & Supply Manager
10. Reports
11. Store Setup & Settings

1. C#
2. MSSQL Database
3. DevExpress Controls Version 19
4. EPPlus

To get this software or its source code kindly reach me on:
WhatsApp: +2347062670389, +2348064699975
Email: [email protected]