
SAITO = more efficient at SCALE : How is this possible? Web3.0 Unlocked

SAITO = more efficient at SCALE : How is this possible? Web3.0 Unlocked

In this video I discuss and explain how Saito, the blockchain network, is able to become MORE efficient at scale.

The significance of this is that no other blockchain can say or do the same.

Every single blockchain becomes LESS efficient at scale.

This is partly because the work that is UNPAID for in all these blockchains, is the same work that is needed for the network to scale.

It is also because these networks do not calculate the true costs’ of what is occurring on these said networks.

We have capped block-sizes, time restraints for how often blocks are produced, we have blockchains with BUILT-IN limitations due to their misaligned incentives and amatuer network designs around how data is stored and paid for.

There is one network who becomes MORE efficient at SCALE.


In this video you will hear me talk more in-depth around this fascinating topic.

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