For Loop vs While Loop in Java #short

For Loop vs While Loop in Java #short

For Loop vs While Loop in Java #short

In Java, a for loop is used for iterating through a specific range of numbers or elements in an array or collection, whereas a while loop is used for repeating a block of code as long as a certain condition is true.

A for loop is typically used when the number of iterations is known in advance, whereas a while loop is used when the number of iterations is unknown or when the loop must continue until a certain condition is met.

The for loop has a more concise syntax and is easier to read when the number of iterations is known in advance, while the while loop is better suited for situations where the number of iterations is unknown or the loop must continue until a certain condition is met.

So the choice between for loop and while loop depends on the requirement of the code, if you know the number of iterations then go for for loop else while loop.
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