
Advanced PHP/C# Interoperability with Peachpie Compiler

The tutorial on how to compile PHP into .NET Core and make use of Peachpie to seamlessly inter-operate between PHP and C# and how to enhance legacy PHP code with C#.

Download the Peachpie extension for VSCode here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=iolevel.peachpie-vscode

GitHub sample repo: https://github.com/iolevel/peachpie-samples

[1:17] Sample PHP app
[1:29] Debugging PHP code
[2:30] Arrays
[3:03] Interoperability between PHP and C#
[4:21] Injecting the C# lambda function into the PHP Context
[4:56] Working with Peachpie programs
[6:06] Simulating an Inclusion
[8:06] C# class inheriting a PHP class
[8:46] Checking compiled PHP in ILSpy

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