
Top 10 Best KDE Based Linux Distros in 2023

Top 10 Best KDE Based Linux Distros in 2023

KDE is a popular and customizable desktop environment for Linux-based distributions. It offers a user-friendly interface with a look and feel similar to that of Windows, making it a popular choice for many users who are new to Linux and switching from Windows. There are many Linux distributions that feature the KDE Plasma desktop, each with its own unique features, stability, and community support. Choosing the right one for you can depend on your specific needs and use case, and it’s important to evaluate the features and support of each distribution before making a decision.

So in this video, we are going to check out the 10 Best Linux distros Based on KDE Plasma Desktop in 2023.

Kubuntu: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/
Fedora KDE: https://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/
Manjaro: https://manjaro.org/download/
KDE Neon: https://neon.kde.org/download
KaOS: https://kaosx.us/pages/download/
OpenSUSE: https://get.opensuse.org/leap/15.4/
Garuda KDE Linux: https://garudalinux.org/downloads.html
Endeavour OS: https://endeavouros.com/latest-release/
MX Linux: https://mxlinux.org/download-links/
NItrux: https://nxos.org/english/nxd/

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#top #top10 #best #kubuntu #kaos #garuda #nitrux #fedora #opensuse #manjaro #endeavour

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