
UNIX and Linux Shells

UNIX and Linux Shells

If all you do is use the Desktop Environment or a Window Manager, you are missing out on some of the real power of UNIX and Linux. The Shell, what is it? What Does it Do? Why do we need a shell? In this video I discuss the evolution of the shell from 1971 up through 2006, yes more has been done on shells since 2006.

Mark Paq did a great job of outlining the history of the shell on UNIX and I am going to augment that with some personal experiences with the Shell and the history I saw as they changed over time.

Mark Paq GitHub page with more links on Shells: https://github.com/marcpaq/shellancestry

At the end of this video I am going to include a gource (that is not mispelled) video on the development of UNIX from 1970 – 1985, it shows how UNIX grew in size and the small start with 2-3 developers growing into several thousand by 1985,

00:00 – Intro
00:07 – Shell
00:16 – Quote
01:23 – Shell is a REPL
02:36 – Where did the shell come from?
03:16 – Mashey Shell
05:22 – Thompson Shell
06:49 – Why do we need a Shell?
08:25 – Shells of Unix (1971-2006)
10:37 – Korn Shell
11:53 – Bourne Shell
13:40 – BASH Shell
14:34 – Forsyth Shell
16:12 – Almquist Shell
17:38 – Final Thoughts
17:53 – Wrapup

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#Linux #UNIX #Shells

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