
Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | CFC Components, Methods & Relationship with Class | Chap-2 | Part-1

Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | CFC Components, Methods & Relationship with Class | Chap-2 | Part-1

Insofar, we have dealt with what is known as a procedural approach to programming, but in this new chapter we will focus on creating our own components and discuss the relationship between the usual object-oriented approach and how Coldfusion components differ from the existing paradigm. An Adobe Coldfusion component acts like a class in the usual context. When a variable is declared inside the a component, we call it as an attribute and it acts similarly like a class property. A function that defines an object’s action is likewise known as the method. We will briefly discuss about the constructor magic method that represents the class itself. Basically, a component in Coldfusion is like a class and it acts as a blueprint, although having no real existence in memory. An object is the implementation of the blueprint or the component. By creating a new and separate file for our component with the cfc extension, we are separating the programming logic from the actual presentation that is defined in template files ending with cfm extensions.

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