Server execute in Part 54

Server execute in Part 54

Server execute in   Part 54

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In this video we will discuss about
1. Server.Execute method
2. Difference between Server.Transfer and Server.Execute

Server.Transfer and Server.Execute are similar in many ways.
1. The URL in the browser remains the first page URL.
2. Server.Transfer and Server.Execute can only be used to navigate to sites/pages on the same web server. Trying to navigate to sites/pages on a different web server, causes runtime exception.
3. Server.Transfer and Server.Execute preserves the Form Variables from the original request.

The major difference between Server.Transfer and Server.Execute is that, Server.Transfer terminates the execution of the current page and starts the execution of the new page, where as Server.Execute process the second Web form without leaving the first Web form. After completing the execution of the first webform, the control returns to the second webform.

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