
Can you use Ubuntu Linux for daily use?

Can you use Ubuntu Linux for daily use?

Can you use Ubuntu Linux as your daily driver OS? It’s free and open-source, but if you can’t find the right apps for your needs, you still need to stick to Windows or MacOS no matter what other benefits it brings.

So in this video, we are going to review the different software available for day to day needs like internet browsing, checking emails, messaging, productivity, multimedia, image, video and audio editing and also 3d graphics and even gaming.

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After reviewing the latest available apps, we are going to review Ubuntu Desktop in terms of security and system requirements. Ubuntu is compatible with old and low-end hardware and can be a good replacement for operating systems like Windows XP which is depreciated and unsupported now and target to a lot of threats.

There are also other variants of like Lubuntu and Xubuntu that share the same Debian heritage, but are suited to systems with less available memory and storage.

You can find the links to all the mentioned software in out Medium article: https://tech-debates.medium.com/can-you-use-ubuntu-linux-for-daily-use-ef70b40cf92d

We know that Ubuntu Server is a very popular and mainstream OS for a lot of server environments and Linux runs all the top 50 world super computers, but for a OS to run on your Desktop PC or laptop, a modern GUI is needed that can be customized to your needs. You definitely don’t want to manage everything inside the command line like the servers.

An opensource OS can bring you free and opensource software alternative for the paid ones that need licenses and these days there are more options available than few years ago. If you are a programmer or web developer, you may find Ubuntu a perfect choice for your needs.

So if you are looking for the reasons to switch over to a free and opensource Linux based operating system, you are at the right tech debate.

If there is any other software worth mentioning, don’t forget to mention it in the comments. If you find this video useful, please share it with your friends and subscribe for more tech debates like this one.

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