
Hacking Wireless Networks. Theory and practice – Wireless security half measures An overview

Hacking Wireless Networks. Theory and practice – Wireless security half measures An overview

Before we begin: the practical use of the course you are going to see has been proven by thousands of people all over the world – beginners and computer geeks as well. People who make their first steps in computer / network security and professionals: network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, read carefully what we’d like to share with you.

This course covers all the important techniques related with WIRELESS NETWORK (or WiFi) HACKING used by hackers, system administrators and pentesters.

Wireless networks are all around us. You want it or not, you ARE part of this system. As new wireless encryption-standards are being developed, new attack techniques are being discovered and presented at the same time. It’s a real arms race.

Either you want to make your home WiFi network more secure, you want to recover a forgotten password, or you want to break into your wireless network to prove it is secure – regardless of the WiFi encryption-type used (WEP, WPA, WPA2), you will find the answer in this course.

What you can expect from this course:

You will get access to over 60 interesting lectures on Wireless Network Hacking
You can download the course Handbook in PDF (over 180 pages)
You can download the Training Operating System v2.0 CE (CUDA Extension) which is equipped with all the tools described in this course
It is a step by step training on WiFi ethical hacking
It covers over 25 different Wireless Network Hacking techniques and experiments
This course can be treated as a valuable source of knowledge by white- and blackhat hackers, pentesters and network analysts
You can get access to all the source codes and tools described in the course – it’s already prepared for you in the Training Operating System environment
You can boot the Training Operating System from CD/DVD or start it inside a virtual machine (using VirtualBox on Windows and VMware Fusion on MAC OSX)

1. MAC address filtering
2. Changing the MAC address of the wireless network card
3. Disabling ESSID broadcast
4. Finding a hidden access point with disabled ESSID broadcast
5. Limiting wireless coverage .

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