
Deploy React App in Docker using Nginx

Deploy React App in Docker using Nginx

This tutorial shows deploying React app with Nginx in Docker. This approach can be used to dockerize react app in production environment with docker. It uses docker multistage build to build docker image.

– Nodejs installed, Docker installed, docker-compose installed
Visual Studio code


Stage 1: Create docker image for react application

Stage 2: Create nginx react app image uisng base image nginx:alpine

1. Create a react application or clone from https://github.com/avetichamp/aveti-react-docker-starter
2. Create docker file
3. Create Docker compose file
4. Deploy react using Nginx server in docker

Build image:
docker-compose build

Deploy App:
docker-compose up
For Detached Mode deployment
docker-compose up -d

For source code clone:
Git Hub: https://github.com/avetichamp/aveti-react-docker-nginx
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/aveti.tutorial.9

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