
Python for Beginners in Tamil | Complete Course | Learn Python in 2 Hours | code io

Python for Beginners in Tamil | Complete Course | Learn Python in 2 Hours | code io

Learn Python in Tamil for Beginners
Python Complete Course FREE for Beginners in Tamil
code io

Time Stamps
0:00:04 – Print Statement in Python
0:12:29 – Variables, Data Types and Input
0:18:50 – Operators in Python
0:33:54 – Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
0:39:58 – Loops in Python (for and while )
0:49:45 – Jump Statements in Python (continue and break)
0:56:22 – List in Python
1:13:45 – Tuples in Python
1:20:28 – Slicing in Python (List, Tuple, String)
1:30:27 – String Functions in Python
1:42:16 – Dictionaries in Python
1:55:07 – Functions in Python

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