Bybit API. Python WebSocket Multi Connection

Bybit API. Python WebSocket Multi Connection

Bybit API. Python WebSocket Multi Connection

bybit exchange :
related blog post :
Python Source Code

import asyncio
import websockets
import json

import time
import hmac

def get_args_secret(_api_key, _api_secrete):
expires = str(int(round(time.time())+5000))+”000″
_val = ‘GET/realtime’ + expires
signature = str(, “utf-8”), bytes(_val, “utf-8″), digestmod=”sha256”).hexdigest())
auth = {}
auth[“op”] = “auth”
auth[“args”] = [_api_key, expires, signature]
args_secret = json.dumps(auth)

return args_secret

####################### for bybit Inverse . BTCUSD, ETHUSD, EOSUSD, XRPUSD

async def my_loop_WebSocket_bybit():

async with websockets.client.Connect(url_ws_inverse_bybit) as websocket:
await websocket.send(get_args_secret(api_key, api_secret)); # secret
print(“Connected to bybit WebSocket with secret key”);

await websocket.send(‘{“op”:”subscribe”,”args”:[“trade.BTCUSD”]}’);
await websocket.send(‘{“op”:”subscribe”,”args”:[“trade.ETHUSD”]}’);
await websocket.send(‘{“op”:”subscribe”,”args”:[“trade.EOSUSD”]}’);
await websocket.send(‘{“op”:”subscribe”,”args”:[“trade.XRPUSD”]}’);

while True:
data_rcv_strjson = await websocket.recv();

######################## for bybit USDT : BTCUSDT, ETHUSDT, LTCUSDT, LINKUSDT, XTZUSDT

async def my_loop_WebSocket_usdt_public_bybit():
async with websockets.client.Connect( url_ws_usdt_public_bybit ) as ws_usdt_public:
print(“Connected to bybit USDT WebSocket Public”);

await ws_usdt_public.send(‘{“op”: “subscribe”, “args”: [“trade.BTCUSDT”]}’);
await ws_usdt_public.send(‘{“op”: “subscribe”, “args”: [“trade.ETHUSDT”]}’);
await ws_usdt_public.send(‘{“op”: “subscribe”, “args”: [“trade.LTCUSDT”]}’);
await ws_usdt_public.send(‘{“op”: “subscribe”, “args”: [“trade.LINKUSDT”]}’);
await ws_usdt_public.send(‘{“op”: “subscribe”, “args”: [“trade.XTZUSDT”]}’);

while True:
data_rcv_strjson = await ws_usdt_public.recv();
print(‘USDT from bybit public: ‘ + data_rcv_strjson)

async def my_loop_WebSocket_usdt_private_bybit():
async with websockets.client.Connect(url_ws_usdt_private_bybit) as ws_usdt_private:
await ws_usdt_private.send(get_args_secret(api_key, api_secret)); # secret
print(“Connected to bybit USDT WebSocket Private with secret key”);

while True:
data_rcv_strjson = await ws_usdt_private.recv();
print(‘USDT from bybit private: ‘ + data_rcv_strjson)

##### main exec
#### 파일 apikey_url.txt 읽어서 api key 와 url 정보 변수에 받아두기.
with open(‘apikey_url_bybit.txt’, encoding=’utf8′) as f:
for line in f:
if count_line == 1: # bybit API key
api_key = line.rstrip(‘n’)
elif count_line == 2: # bybit secret key
api_secret = line.rstrip(‘n’)
elif count_line == 3: # bybit REST url for both Inverse Perpetual and USDT Perpetual,
url_rest_bybit = line.rstrip(‘n’) # not used in this python code.
elif count_line == 4: # bybit websocket url for Inverse Perpetual, BTCUSD , etc
url_ws_inverse_bybit = line.rstrip(‘n’)
elif count_line == 5: # bybit websocket public url for USDT Perpetual, BTCUSDT, etc
url_ws_usdt_public_bybit = line.rstrip(‘n’)
elif count_line == 6: # bybit websocket private url for USDT Perpetual, BTCUSDT, etc
url_ws_usdt_private_bybit = line.rstrip(‘n’)
print(‘OK : read file apikey_url_bybit.txt’)

my_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop();

you should have apikey_url_bybit.txt in the python folder.

your api key
your secrete key

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