
Crash Course Part1: Distributed Caching with Redis and Spring Boot (Cache API-Data on Read & Write)

Crash Course Part1: Distributed Caching with Redis and Spring Boot (Cache API-Data on Read & Write)

The “Crash course: Distributed Caching with Redis and Spring Boot” is done in 3 parts.
PART-1 covers Redis overview and implement Read Write caching in SpringBoot apis with RDBMs and 3rd party api as data sources.
PART2 covers security and access controls, briefly RedisJSON and RediSearch modules. A
PART3 covers “Redis as Web Session Data store” with a simple springboot web app, finally concludes with demo on eviction policies, TTL and session state clean up.

Link to slides: https://sasiperi.github.io/tutorials.html

0:00 Introduction
1:14 Session Overview
4:20 Tools and Software required
5:38 Distributed Caching Overview (& expectations from cache manager)
8:59 Why Redis
12:26 Popular Caching Patterns
14:36 Demo over view
15:42 Redis Client: Java Cache Providers (and JSR107 and Spring Cache Abstraction)
18:43 Demo Build the Spring Boot APIs (with no cache)
30:49 Test (nocache) APIs with Postman
34:35 Add Caching feature to code
45:26 Test caching (postman, redi-cli monitor, RedisInsight)
55:53 Points to keep in mind while considering caching & Sample good use cases
58:26 Common Pitfalls

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