
What are domain name extensions | 123-reg

What are domain name extensions | 123-reg


Domain name extensions are an important part of any website address.
They can represent either an international location, for example .co.uk, or a type of website:
• .com (company)
• .org (organisation)
• .net (Internet)
• .info (information)

Domain name extensions are controlled by regulatory bodies. However, the actual registration of domain names is processed by domain registrars, like 123-reg.

It can be a good idea to choose an extension that reflects what your website does. This really helps people get a clear idea about what your site offers.

Alternatively, you may wish to pick an extension which represents your international location. Doing this will give your domain name a sense of identity within the global community.

Top tip: .com is the most popular and widely recognised extension. As a result, there’s a real shortage of original .com domain names left. So it pays to consider alternative extensions, like .net and .org. Doing so will give you a far greater chance of registering the domain name you want.

In the next tutorial we’ll look more closely at the ‘name’ part of domain names.


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