
How to Install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench on Mac OS Ventura

How to Install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench on Mac OS Ventura

In this video, we’ll show you how to install MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench on Mac OS Ventura. MySQL is a powerful database system that is used by millions of websites all over the world. By installing MySQL on your Mac, you’ll have the ability to manage your own database files and carry out various database functions.

#mysql #macosventura #homebrew #macos13 #mysqlworkbench #applesilicon

This video is a great tutorial for anyone who wants to learn how to install MySQL on their Mac. We’ll walk you through the entire process, from beginning to end, and make sure that you understand everything that’s happening. By the end, you’ll have a working knowledge of MySQL and will be able to install it on your own Mac!
Are you struggling to install Mysql and Mysql Workbench on your Mac OS Ventura? In this video, I’m going to walk you through the process of setting up Mysql and Workbench quickly and easily. No more headaches! Appeal to your inner tech-savvy self with this quick and easy tutorial. Learn how to optimize your workflow and get better results today!

0:00 Introduction
0:15 MySQL Installer Page
0:20 Homebrew install
0:48 Install MySQL Server
1:09 Start MySQL Server Service
1:16 Secure MySQL Server
1:47 Connect to Server using Command line
2:02 Install MySQL Workbench
2:27 Open MySQL Workbench

To get set up with this guide, Homebrew needs to be installed. Please utilize the link supplied for successful and prompt installation.


If you want to go the graphical route rather than using command line tools, here are some links where you can download installers from. Once downloaded, please follow the instructions provided with the installer.

MySQL Server: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/
MySQL Workbench: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/

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