
Why is Kubernetes written in Go?

Why is Kubernetes written in Go?

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Why Golang is the language of choice for many popular container orchestration frameworks?

Despite not being as popular as Python, Java, or JavaScript, Go has several unique features that make it ideal for building fast and secure systems.

One of the biggest advantages of Go is its built-in concurrency, thanks to Goroutines and channels. Goroutines are lightweight execution threads that can run independently and simultaneously, and communicate with each other through channels, making them faster and more performant than threads.

Go is also known for its security, as it has a low vulnerability to attacks while still maintaining high speeds. And with its ability to compile directly to machine code and produce a single, platform-independent binary, Go is perfect for building cloud-based tools and applications.

So it’s no surprise that Kubernetes, Docker, Hashicorp Vault, Consul, Traefik, Terraform, and many other DevOps tools are all written in Go. Thanks for watching, and we hope you now have a better understanding of why Golang is the language of choice for many popular container orchestration frameworks.

00-00-00 – Golang is not the most popular programming language!
00-00-26 – Concurrency, Goroutines, and how everything works in Go
00-02-06 – How Go compiles to machine code
00-02-14 – Static vs dynamic typing
00-02-42 – Google role in promoting Golang
00-03-05 – Join us!

Keywords: #Kubernetes #Go #containerorchestration #cloudcomputing #devops #Google #opensource #scalability #efficiency #performance #reliability #flexibility #simplicity #concurrency #compatibility #portability #objectorientedprogramming #systemprogramming #GoogleCloudPlatform #cloudnativecomputing

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