How To Use ActiveReportsJS, an Angular Reporting Tool, in Your Web Application

How To Use ActiveReportsJS, an Angular Reporting Tool, in Your Web Application

How To Use ActiveReportsJS, an Angular Reporting Tool, in Your Web Application

ActiveReportsJS is a JavaScript reporting tool optimized for enterprise web applications. In this guide, we will show how to use ActiveReports in an Angular application. We will a create a simple report and integrate it into an Angular application so that end-users can navigate, export, and print the report output.

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Creating A Report with ActiveReportsJS:

00:00 Get Started with ActiveReportsJS, an Angular Reporting Tool
00:31 Data Binding within the Standalone Designer
01:28 Create a Tabular Report
01:38 Format Tables
02:27 Install Packages Using NPM or YARN
02:58 Apply Themes
03:09 Use the Report Viewer to Navigate, Export or Print