
Greecetaxi | Virtual Tours – Delphi

Greecetaxi | Virtual Tours – Delphi

Delphi | Oracle of Apollo – Navel of the World

Delphi stands high on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in the heart of Phocis at the crossroads of important routes of the ancient world. It is one of the most famous cult sites in Greece, renowned throughout the ancient Greek world and beyond as the sanctuary of Apollo and the seat of his oracle. It was at the end of the Mycenaean period that Apollo, an Olympian God and guarantor of universal harmony, is supposed to have overcome the old underworld deities. A hymn attributed to Homer tells how, after his birth on Delos , Zeus’ son came to Delphi, killed the snake Python with his bow and arrow and in accordance with divine law, he went into exile for eight years to atone for the killing of the snake and on his return he took his place, becoming the god Python who gave oracles through the intermediary of the Pythia. A festival comprising of dramatic and lyric contests was held in the sanctuary theatre, and the stadium was home not only to the athletic games, but also to musical events.
The archaeological site is divided by a national road. Above the road is the sanctuary of Apollo, the theatre and stadium, and oppsoite is the gymnasium and the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia.

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