
Use VSCode with Oracle Database

Use VSCode with Oracle Database

VSCode is a popular editor for software development. If you work with an Oracle database, you’ll likely be using another IDE as well, such as Oracle SQL Developer.

However, if you use VSCode, you can access the Oracle database directly from within VSCode. You can do this by using an extension.

This means you can run queries and see your data all within the same application, saving time from using different applications. You may also find it easier to use one application instead of two.

It’s not as powerful as a full SQL IDE, but for simple stuff, it’s quite useful.

In this video, you’ll learn how to install the extension in VSCode, how to create a connection to the Oracle database, how to run some SQL queries, and some features of the extension.

00:00 What we’re doing
01:03 Install the extension
02:19 Create a connection
04:46 Create a table
06:44 Insert some data and view it
07:58 Extension features
08:48 Bookmarks

Get my free SQL Cheat Sheets for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and Postgres here: https://www.databasestar.com/get-sql-cheat-sheets/
SQL Roadmap: an overview of SQL topics, which is a great place to start: https://www.databasestar.com/sql-roadmap/
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