
How to Install Redis with Magento 2

How to Install Redis with Magento 2

In this video we will cover how to install Redis with Magento 2. We’re using a base install of both Redis and Magento 2 on an Alpha Hosting Mercury package for the demo.

I’ve included the commands we run in our terminal window and links to the Magento documentation we reference below.

Here’s the process;

– We always suggest making changes like this on a staging or development site. Setting up caching on a live site can be dangerous. At least make a quick backup of your site.

– You’ll need to install Redis. At Alpha Hosting that’s a quick button click from the client portal.

– Next, open a terminal window and login to the server. I’m using the cPanel terminal window, but feel free to use the terminal client of your choice.

– In the terminal window navigate to your Magento 2 home directory.

– We’ll need to edit the env.php file so that Magento 2 knows to use Redis for default, page, and session caching. Let’s make a quick copy of that file first using the following command:

cp /app/etc/env.php /app/etc/old.env.php

– Next we’ll edit the env.php file using a series of commands. It’s best to use commands instead of inline editing of the file. Using commands you won’t mess up the syntax and you’ll get a confirmation message when you’re done. You can find these commands along with more info about Redis and Magento on the Magento DevDocs Site.

(https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/config-guide/redis/redis-pg-cache.html and https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/config-guide/redis/redis-session.html)

– Run the following command for setting up Redis as the default cache:

bin/magento setup:config:set –cache-backend=redis –cache-backend-redis-server= –cache-backend-redis-db=0

– Run the following command for setting up Redis as the page cache:

bin/magento setup:config:set –page-cache=redis –page-cache-redis-server= –page-cache-redis-db=1

– Run the following command for setting up Redis as the session cache:

bin/magento setup:config:set –session-save=redis –session-save-redis-host= –session-save-redis-log-level=4 –session-save-redis-db=2

That’s it! You can run some test commands outlined in the DevDocs we linked above to confirm everything is setup correctly. In the video I do a very basic test visiting a page twice to show a speed enhancement.

We hope this video helps.

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