ASP.NET Core SignalR | Real Time Notification Application | C# | MSSQL

ASP.NET Core SignalR | Real Time Notification Application | C# | MSSQL

ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to apps. Real-time web functionality enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly.

💻 Code:

✅ Audit Trail in ASP.NET Core MVC Project | Entity Framework Core | Code First | MSSQL | MySQL
✅ ASP .NET Core | Database Connection | Entity Framework Core | Code First | MSSQL
✅ Business ERP Solution / Product / POS / Company Management | ASP.NET Core | EF Core | .NET Core 5.0
✅ Pharmacy & Hospital Management System | ASP.NET Core | EF Core
✅ User Management, ASP.NET Core 5.0, Identity Core, Entity Framework Code First | JWT Authentication

✔️ Technical Features
ASP.NET Core 5.0
EF Core code first
Identity Core
Partial page update CRUD operation
Razor and jQuery for FE
jQuery DataTable for faster data load
Sweet Alert2 and Toaster notification
select2 dropdown
ASP.NET Core MVC Architecture
Uses Swagger for API documentation
Dependency Injection
Standard Naming conventions
JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
All Methods are Async/Await
CORS Settings
Docker Support

Music: bensound and google music lib