
Build a CRUD API with TypeScript, Express, MongoDB, Zod and Jest

Build a CRUD API with TypeScript, Express, MongoDB, Zod and Jest

This was edited from a live stream on twitch. Follow on twitch to watch live: https://twitch.tv/codinggarden

View the code here: https://github.com/CodingGarden/intro-to-typescript/tree/examples/examples/express-api

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:09 Hello Friends
00:01:00 Project Template
00:01:40 Clone Template
00:02:21 Template Overview
00:05:00 Typescript with Express
00:07:23 How to find Typescript libraries
00:09:21 Install zod and mongodb
00:09:43 Folder Structure
00:11:36 Create a schema with zod
00:14:39 Create todos router
00:18:59 zod default values
00:19:20 Restructure tests
00:21:31 Our first test
00:25:35 mongodb setup
00:29:23 collection / model setup
00:31:00 findAll handler
00:33:22 test beforeAll collection drop
00:34:47 close database connection after tests
00:36:23 jest and supertest explained
00:38:01 refactor request handlers
00:39:57 Service / Controller / DAL explained / best practices
00:43:25 Express Error Handling
00:46:18 createOne handler
00:49:55 createOne tests
00:58:30 tests are nice
00:59:01 request validation middleware refactor
01:07:40 findOne handler
01:13:09 findOne tests
01:16:00 zod ObjectId validation
01:20:43 updateOne handler setup
01:22:57 updateOne tests
01:27:23 updateOne handler implementation
01:29:02 deleteOne handler setup
01:30:28 deleteOne tests
01:32:29 deleteOne handler implementation
01:36:13 we did it
01:36:44 findAll correction
01:37:49 Thank You!
01:38:40 catJAM

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