How to connect to MongoDB Atlas database using MongoDB connection manager. COZYROC SSIS+ components

How to connect to MongoDB Atlas database using MongoDB connection manager. COZYROC SSIS+ components

How to connect to MongoDB Atlas database using MongoDB connection manager. COZYROC SSIS+ components

MongoDB SSIS Connection Manager for establishing connections to MongoDB Atlas database. Free download from 📂 . Set up of MongoDB Connection Manager to access a MongoDB database.

COZYROC SSIS+ Suite is FREE for testing in your development environment. Download COZYROC SSIS suite from 📂
⭐ Support for SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019

Demo video : How to pull data from MongoDB Source using COZYROC SSIS+ components :

⭐ MongoDB Source component :
✔️ Retrieves data from a MongoDB documents collection.
✔️ Deduces the collection schema by analyzing sample of documents.
✔️ Supports nested documents in array(s) by offering separate outputs for the array items.
✔️ Supports selective retrieval of documents via a query filter.
✔️ Optimized retrieval of only the fields used in downstream components.

See also:
⭐ MongoDB Destination component :
✔️ Adds, updates or deletes MongoDB documents.
✔️ Deduces the collection schema by analyzing sample of documents.
✔️ Supports ‘Create’, ‘Replace’, ‘Update’ and ‘Delete’ operations on MongoDB documents.
✔️ Supports nested documents in array(s) by offering separate inputs for the array items.
✔️ Supports batch creation of documents.
✔️ Provides information about failures during processing, as well as the ObjectId identifier for added, updated or deleted documents.