
Domain Names & Web Hosting Explained


Domain Names & Web Hosting Explained.

Web Hosting is a service that allows you to publish your website so that it can be viewed over the internet as well as to have email addresses for your domain name. Pickaweb provides the infrastructure (secure servers stored in environmentally controlled, secure datacentre with connection to the internet) that enables you to host your website & your emails.

For more info about web hosting please go to https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/web-hosting/

What is a domain name and why should I register one ?
A domain name provides a way of remembering an Internet address. This name is unique. At present 100.000 domains are being registered monthly. You should register your domain now since in the near future they might be taken. A domain name provides a professional look to your company or association. Anyone can register a .com, .net, .org , .biz, .info, .name, .eu, .org.uk or .co.uk domain names.

For more info about domain names please check https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/domain-names/

Useful Resources:

Which web hosting should I choose? https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/blog/which-web-hosting/
Web Hosting Guide for Beginners https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/blog/web-hosting-guide-beginners/
Web Hosting & Domain Names Prices https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/prices/
Compare web hosting plans https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/web-hosting/compare-hosting/
Web Hosting Free Trial https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/free-trial/
Difference between domain name, web hosting and website https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/kb/difference-domain-name-vs-web-hosting-vs-website/
The Definitive Guide to Domain Names https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/blog/guide-to-buying-domain-names/
.CO.UK domain names https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/domain-names/co-uk-domain-registration/
Which domain should I register .co.uk or .com? https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/blog/register-domain-names-co-uk-com/
Can I register domain names with hyphens, dots or spaces? https://www.pickaweb.co.uk/blog/register-domain-names-with-hyphens-dots-or-spaces/

Hope you found it useful.
Feel free to comment below.
Tony Messer

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