
Scaling Redis at Twitter

Scaling Redis at Twitter

Twitter runs some of the largest Redis clusters in production. To adapt Redis to Twitter’s use cases, we have come up with both configuration best practices and several new features. This talk is to provide a case study of running Redis at scale- with numbers and stories, and what we have in mind for the future.

About Yao Yu

Yao has been on the cache team at Twitter for over three years. She worked on in-memory caching technologies, including Twitter’s fork of of Redis, Twemcache, and created an analytic framework for cache backends. She has strong bias toward clean abstractions, efficient data processing and good code aesthetics. @thinkingfish

This event was organized by the San Francisco Redis Meetup group (http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Redis-Meetup/). If you are doing something interesting and fun with Redis and would like to share your stories get in touch with ben.arent@rackspace.com

Event produced by Rackspace and filmed at Geekdom San Francisco on July 17, 2014.

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