
Deliver SRT and transform to multicast UDP MPEG-TS

Deliver SRT and transform to multicast UDP MPEG-TS

In this tutorial we show the following scenario:
1. Get two programs from MPEGTS UDP stream.
2. Generate SRT output with those programs.
3. Deliver SRT from AWS Nimble server to another bare metal instance across the internet.
4. Generate multicast UDP MPEG-TS from SRT on the second server for both programs.

Also read the following pages:
~ Nimble Streamer freeware media server: https://wmspanel.com/nimble
~ MPEG-TS features of Nimble Streamer: https://wmspanel.com/nimble/mpeg2ts
~ MPEG-TS transmuxing to HLS, RTMP, MPEG-DASH: https://blog.wmspanel.com/2015/06/mpegts-transmux-hls-rtmp-dash-nimble-streamer.html
~ Convert MPEG-TS HTTP into HLS, MPEG-DASH, RTMP and other protocols https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWSbOprQ8b8

~ Constant bitrate and mux rate in UDP streaming: https://blog.wmspanel.com/2019/07/udp-constant-bitrate-mux-rate.html
~ More on MPEG-TS delivery over UDP https://blog.wmspanel.com/2015/07/advanced-mpegts-delivery-udp-nimble-streamer.html
~ SRT features of Nimble Streamer: https://wmspanel.com/nimble/srt
~ SRT + Nimble Streamer on Amazon EC2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlQ_u6uws8w
~ Setting SRT in Nimble Streamer: https://blog.wmspanel.com/2017/07/setup-srt-secure-reliable-transport-nimble-streamer.html

This command was used for generating MPEGTS stream with two programs:
ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -re -i ./bbb_720p_h264_aac.mp4 -stream_loop -1 -re -i ./TOS_720p_aac.mp4 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:0 -map 1:1 -program title=BBB:st=0:st=1 -program title=TOS:st=2:st=3 -codec copy -f mpegts udp://

0:00 About the use case
0:57 SRT package is required
1:13 Set up MPEGTS reception on first server
1:34 Publish MPEGTS UDP stream from FFmpeg to first server
2:34 Set up SRT output from first server
3:15 Set up SRT reception on second server
3:37 Define output streams from SRT source and test them
4:10 Generate UDP multicast output
4:48 Test muticast with VLC

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