
Tomcat – How to Install and Run Tomcat on Mac

Tomcat – How to Install and Run Tomcat on Mac

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For Step3
In case of windows chmod command will not work. This step might not be needed if you are on windows. Else you can right click on the file/folder goto security tab and change the permissions.
Can watch –
TOMCAT – How to install and run on Windows | Change Port | Run app
Step 1 : download tomcat
Step 2 : unzip and place tomcat folder at any location
Step 3 : open terminal – goto tomcat/bin directory
make all scripts executable
chmod +x *.sh

Step 4 : start tomcat – ./startup.sh
Step 5 : shutdown tomcat – ./shutdown.sh


Tomcat controller

step 1 : download – unzip – run .dmg

step 2 : configure tomcat folder in tomcat controller

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