Connecting Distributed Data to MongoDB with Confluent (MongoDB World 2022)

Connecting Distributed Data to MongoDB with Confluent (MongoDB World 2022)

Connecting Distributed Data to MongoDB with Confluent (MongoDB World 2022)

Migrating and building in the cloud requires enterprises to rethink their data infrastructure. Whether you are moving from on-premises to the cloud or you were born in the cloud, businesses are looking to unlock new real-time customer experiences and intelligence for their backend operations. In order to do that, data streaming powered by Apache Kafka and Confluent is a critical piece of that new data stack.

Join our session to see firsthand how Confluent and MongoDB enable companies to set data in motion across any system, at any scale, in real-time. Connecting Confluent with MongoDB allows companies to streamline infrastructure, increase development velocity, build new real-time use cases, and analyze their data faster.

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