
Migration Roles In Windows Server 2012 R2

Migration Roles In Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server comes with a number of migration tools that allow you to move roles from one server to another. Check out http://itfreetraining.com for more of our always free training videos. This video will look at what is involved and perform a demonstration of how to move DHCP from one Windows Server to another Windows Server.

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Migration is the process of moving settings and data between different systems. When you perform an upgrade, you are not able to choose which parts of the server you want to use on the new operating system. You must upgrade the whole server which includes any software on the server. It is not uncommon for problems to start occurring in Windows systems. Often reinstalling the operating system will fix these problems giving the administrator a fresh start. There are also a number of results that migrations can achieve that are not possible with upgrades, these include.
1. Upgrade only the one feature or split roles between different servers.
2. Allow migrations between architecture where an upgrade is not possible. For example, between 32bit and 64bit.
3. Upgrades also can be used in cases where a down grade would need to be performed. Microsoft does not support downgrades so the only choice that you have would be to perform a migration.

In the demonstration, DHCP will be migrated for a server running Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012 R2, however the procedures are much the same regardless of which operating systems you are using. Some migrations work differently than others, so it a good idea to see if Microsoft has published a guide on the steps required. For more details on Migrations see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj134039.aspx
1. First of all, the feature “Windows Server Migration Tools” needs to be installed. This should be installed on the server that you are planning to migrate to. This can be done by running Server Manager and from the add role wizard select “Windows Server Migration Tools” from the select features screen.
2. From Server Manager, select the tools menu and then select the option “Windows Server Migration Tools” and the option under this “Windows Server Migration Tools”. The option appears twice as it is possible to install additional tools under Windows Server Migration Tools.
3. Windows Powershell will open. The only difference between this and a normal PowerShell Window is that the command “Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Migration” will be run automatically.
4. Change to the directory c:WindowsSystem32ServerMigrationTools using the command “cd .ServerMigrationTools”.
5. The software for the migration needs to install on the other Server that you are performing the migration on. To do this, run the command “./SmigDeploy.exe /Package /Architecture x86 /OS WS03” In this case 32bit has been used but AMD64 could be used. For OS WS03 has been used for Windows Server 2003. Other valid options are WS08 (Windows Server 2008), WS08R2 (Windows Server 2008 R2) and WS12 (Windows Server 2012).
6. Once the previous command has run and created the install files, this can be copied to a USB key.

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See http://YouTube.com/ITFreeTraining or http://itfreetraining.com for our always free training videos. This is only one video from the many free courses available on YouTube.

“Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 Exam Ref 70-410” pg 14-16
“Migrate Roles and Features to Windows Server” http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj134039.aspx
“Install, Use, and Remove Windows Server Migration Tools” http://technet.microsoft.com/library/jj134202
“Step-by-Step Migration DHCP from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 R2 with Windows Server Migration Tools” http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/7411.step-by-step-migration-dhcp-from-windows-server-2003-to-windows-server-2008-r2-with-windows-server-migration-tools.aspx

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