
Debian Installation Guide

Debian Installation Guide

The installation process of Debian is quite straightforward if you are an experienced Linux user.
But if you try Debian your first time, there are several things which I find confusing for new users.

So, if you decided to install and use Debian, here is an overview of the Debian installation process with some useful recommendations.

00:38 1. What ISO to download
– Live ISO
– Install ISO
– Non-free ISOs
02:55 2. installation
– Create a bootable USB drive https://youtu.be/rpGgTTFKwiU
– 05:10 Automatic partitioning of a whole drive
– 05:30 Install without formatting your home partition. This is in case you had Linux installed on your computer before.
– 07:26 Manually partition your hard drive with re-formatting the whole drive.
10:40 3. After installation
– Add contrib and non-free repositories. (NOTE: use Ctrl+O to save and Ctrl+X to exit from the nano text editor)
– Enable the latest security updates.
– Receive the bug fixes as quick as possible.
– Proprietary drivers.

Mentioned videos:

Debian 9 Stretch Xfce review – The Best Xfce distro! https://youtu.be/WmeXOZEVebY
Make Xfce look modern and beautiful https://youtu.be/GR2y0xOIIdI
10 things to do after installing Debian Xfce https://youtu.be/BWBHJmAmZgk

Repositories (https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/errata.pt.html) :

# latest security updates
deb http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free

# proposed additions
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian buster-proposed-updates main contrib non-free

Proprietary drivers:

Graphics Card https://wiki.debian.org/GraphicsCard
nVidia https://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers
ATI https://wiki.debian.org/AtiHowTo https://wiki.debian.org/ATIProprietary https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/4a8nyq/fglrx_for_debian_9_will_it_get_back/

Wifi drivers https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUnfVG7Zst0


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