
[Eng Sub/Pin Yin] Xiao Zhan Na Ying Duo 'Sing to A Thousand Years' Everlasting Classics 肖战那英 ‘千年一声唱’

[Eng Sub/Pin Yin] Xiao Zhan Na Ying Duo 'Sing to A Thousand Years' Everlasting Classics 肖战那英 ‘千年一声唱’

Everlasting Classics is a CCTV show which infuses ancient Chinese literature into modern songs. A blend of famous poetry lines with new lyrics and modern music. The idea is to promote old classics to the younger generation in a way that appeals to them so the legacy of our traditional literature is not lost in this day and age.
In this song, Xiao Zhan and Na Ying sings two poems from the Tang Dynasty by the poets 王维 Wang Wei and 李白 Li Bai . More details are found in the subtitles.

I am uploading this video for the sole purpose of providing English subtitles for Internationals fans. No copyright infringement is intended. Please email me first at wenx21111@gmail.com regarding any copyright issues. Thank you for understanding the love from fans!

Non of my videos are monetised. If you see ads, the money goes to the original owners of the footage or music

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Orig. footage credits to CCTV China

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