119 State of CF Union Survey 2022 Results In Depth Analysis Part 1

119 State of CF Union Survey 2022 Results In Depth Analysis Part 1

119 State of CF Union Survey 2022 Results In Depth Analysis Part 1

119 State of CF Union Survey 2022 Results In Depth Analysis Part 1 (14 cool ColdFusion, Database and Frameworks insights) with Gavin Pickin
CF Alive podcast show notes and full transcript here:

Gavin Pickin talks about “State of CF Union Survey 2022 Results In-Depth Analysis Part 1 (14 cool ColdFusion, Database and Frameworks insights)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light.

“…so far right now, you know, we see 60% of people are using a supported ColdFusion licensed product…”

Show notes
What is the State of the CF Union survey
When did it start? 2007 as part of CFUnited conference
CFers community
Why is Survey important for the CF community?
Why do you run it every year?
Making CF more Alive – best practices and tools all CFer could be using!

CF versions
Adobe CF 2018 is the most popular version, closely followed by Lucee CFML 5.3 and Adobe CF 2021
Adobe CF (all versions combined) continues to be more popular than Lucee (all versions combined)
ACF 2021 has gained a lot of users this year
60% of people are using a supported ColdFusion licensed product.
Your (Uncle Sam) ColdFusion needs you to upgrade to the latest version.
No excuse for not keeping your software up to date.
Lucee sponsored support.
Server Environment

64% 836 Overall Engine
CF 2021 537 152 18.18% 28.31%
CF 2018
177 21.17% 32.96%
CF 2016
94 11.24% 17.50%
CF 11
66 7.89% 12.29%
CF 10
26 3.11% 4.84%
CF 9 or earlier
22 2.63% 4.10%


Lucee 5.3 or later 262 195 23.33% 74.43%
Lucee 5.2 or 5.1
52 6.22% 19.85%
Lucee 4.x or earlier
13 1.56% 4.96%
Railo 4.x or earlier
2 0.24% 0.76%
0 0.00%

37 4.43%

Windows still strong,
Many people do their own DevOps, and they’re more comfortable with a Windows Server
Linux subsystem
Chrome is still the strongest OS
SQL Server is still the most used database, way ahead of MySQL
About 30% are open-source solutions
A lot of them have community editions
Custom/homebrew is the most popular framework, ahead of ColdBox, FW/1 and CFWheels
Vue.js has moved further ahead of React and Angular for front-end frameworks
Cool ElsasticSearch option; one new Search coming out soon.
CMS- the winner is “don’t use at all”
The second is custom homegrown CMS
Mura might’ve dropped because it went commercial
JavaScript libraries- almost 90$ of CFers use a library of some kind
JQuery still number one
Top CSS library is Bootstrap again
If you’re not using CSS, maybe this year is a good time to pick up a little CSS allows tailwind. To make your apps look more modern and be responsive
CFC dependency injection
Why even use it?
Which persistence frameworks do you use?
Most don’t use them
What is it exactly?
Way to help you store data somewhere, persistently
these will help your life, and they’ll make it easy to load data, retrieve data search for data, and make you really happy with all that
ORM / Hibernate the most familiar one
A lot of people love writing SQL
What testing and mocking frameworks do you use?
Why would I even want for those all those people who answered none to this question?
What’s the benefit?
What were this testing and mocking stuff all these other people are doing?
Half the people in ColdFusion aren’t testing and the other half are lying about it
Selenium is the most used testing framework
CF Mobile development frameworks
For the longest time, the native was native Android;
native iOS was a lot higher than in previous years.
So now we’re down to basically 4% and 5%.
And actually, Ionic is higher, flutter is higher put overs, right at 4.9%, as well, progressive web apps is, you know, probably the leader there.
They’ve got to the point where you can choose Chrome or something else inside your apps
Half of the people aren’t doing mobile
But the half that is 80% of them are doing, basically some version of sort of transpired WebView style
A fair number of people these days are running a responsive browser version of our app, and it runs on the phone just fine.
And you can save it to the desktop or the phone
Survey asking about health issues,
People have backache and neck ache
a lot of developers have all those things
But the number one thing they listed was stress.
And, I’m all for let’s get rid of the stress.
Let’s get rid of the health issues that developers have. Be healthy, happy developers.

Mentioned in this episode
State of the CF Union Survey, 2022
State of the CF Union Survey, 2022 Results
State of the CF Union Survey, 2022 Raffle
ITB 2022 Conference
CF Summit 2022, in Las Vegas
Lucee CFML
Adobe ColdFusion 2018
Adobe ColdFusion 2021
Modernize Or Die Podcast