
Delphi, Greece: A Virtual Reconstruction

Delphi, Greece: A Virtual Reconstruction

Virtual reconstruction of Delphi, Greece, using 3D laser scanning technology to capture surfaces and geometries of the ruins and 3D modeling software to create a walkable virtual model from the results. Produced by Kenneth S. Shain, based on a project led by Guillaume Thibault and funded by EDF, it debuted at Siggraph 2000 in New Orleans, Lousiana as a Mensi promotional video and subsequently was featured at the Delphi Forum in Savannah, Georgia, later that same year. It closes with a dramatic 3D entry to the Temple of the Oracle. Someday youtube will permit 3D video broadcasting. Ask for it today!

A Note On the Music: Stamping Ground by Moondog was produced by James William Guercio and copyright 1969 & 1971 by Louis Hardin. The work is available on Columbia Records CD MK44994 as manufactured by Sony Music Entertainment Group. All who view this video are encouraged to seek out this work.

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