
Worth the Cost?! NVIDIA RTX 4080 Overclocking, Pro & Benchmarking Review

Worth the Cost?! NVIDIA RTX 4080 Overclocking, Pro & Benchmarking Review

In this video professional overclocking expert Ian, “8Pack” Parry talks through his performance results from Nvidia’s brand new Nvidia RTX 4080. This new GPU follows on from the successful launch of the RTX 4090 and brings the same incredible next-generation performance at a more affordable price point. The cooling from the Gainward Phantom cooler is impressive and this GPU provides a great step up from the RTX 3080Ti & RTX 3090. Find out the considerable performance gains in a range of industry-standard benchmarks, gaming & professional workloads such as 3DMARK, Blender, Final Fantasy, RealBench and more! Then discover how overclocking, tuning and GPU clock speed affect the benchmark results. All to answer the question, is the RTX 4080 worth it?

Who is Ian “8pack” Parry? https://youtu.be/dVrGqWKPWyw
Our RTX 4090 video: https://youtu.be/y4b1toTVUgE

Get your RTX 4080 at Overclockers UK: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/pc-components/graphics-cards/nvidia-graphics-cards/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-16gb
Compatible ATX 3.0 PSUs: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/pc-components/pc-power-supplies/atx-3-0-power-supplies?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic_social&utm_campaign=Double-the-Performance…-is-it-Worth-it?!-NVIDIA-RTX-4090-Overclocking,-Pro-&-Gaming-Review&utm_content=20221013_description_ATX-3.0
Compatible RTX 4090 Cases: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/cases-modding/pc-cases/nvidia-geforce-40-series-compatible-pc-cases?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic_social&utm_campaign=Double-the-Performance…-is-it-Worth-it?!-NVIDIA-RTX-4090-Overclocking,-Pro-&-Gaming-Review&utm_content=20221014_description_4090-CASES
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