
how to check variables in Visual Studio 2019 – C# VB.Net

how to check variables in Visual Studio 2019 – C# VB.Net

This is a quick video showing how to check variables in Visual Studio 2019! While debugging in Visual Studio 2019, it is really easy to check the values stored in variables!

There are multiple ways to check the variable values depending on the type of variable.

1. For simple variables, such as strings and integers, you can hover over the variable in the IDE while the application is paused at a breakpoint and see the value in a tooltip.

2. For more complex variables, such as datatables, you will have to hover over the variable in the IDE while the application is paused at a breakpoint and then click the magnifying glass. This will bring up a window displaying the table data.

3. You can bring up the immediate window and type in “?variableName” and it will output the value of a variable. The immediate window has a lot of other uses too!

4. The last method I show is the watch window. This window allows you to constantly track the value of variables as you step through code. This is the best option visually unless you are using complex datatypes such as Datatables!

tags: visual studio 2022,visual basic,computer science,visual basic tutorial,check variable values in visual studio,how to check variable values,debugging in c#,debugging in visual studio,immediate window,watch window,view variable values,VB.Net,C#,Learning to program,how to programming,how to view variable values in visual studio,variable values visual studio,how to debug visual studio 2019,coding 2021,software development

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