125 State CF Union survey analysis (part 3: Community, Deployment and Wrapup) with Gavin Pickin

125 State CF Union survey analysis (part 3: Community, Deployment and Wrapup) with Gavin Pickin

125 State CF Union survey analysis (part 3: Community, Deployment and Wrapup) with Gavin Pickin

Gavin Pickin talks about “State CF Union survey analysis (part 3: Community, Deployment and Wrapup)” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light.

Show notes
6. ColdFusion Community
28. How often do you attend ColdFusion User Group meetings?
Online CF Meetup – Charlie Arehart
Michigan CFUG
CF Hiawii
CF India one ____
Mark Takarta (sp?)
29. What CF related topics are you interested in learning this year?

Contains key for DevOps

30. What CF blogs do you read
Also Matt Clemente
___ ← Paul get other names from transcript/audio
31. Which CF conferences will/did you attend this year?
32. What online CF communities do you participate in?
Sean Corefield slack archive website
33. CF Open Source
34. I listen to the CF-related channels
7. Deployment
35. What types of DEVELOPMENT setups do you use?
36. What types of PRODUCTION deployments do you use?
37. What hosting services do you use for your PRODUCTION deployments?
Ideas for 2023 survey
Google cloud
Oracle cloud
Abilia cloud (sp?)
38. What Docker Image(s) are you using, if applicable? (Check all that apply)
Charie talk on Docker images
Jon Clausson (sp?) java byte code crunching
39. What deployment/build tools do you use?
40. What monitoring tools are you using?
41. How do you lock down your servers for security?
42. Have your CF servers suffered from a hacking exploit in the last 2 years due to a CF-based vector? (Remember, this is anonymous)
43. Are you using or planning to use AWS Lambda (serverless)
8. Wrap up
44. What aspects of CF are keeping you and/or your company using it?
Idea for 2023 survey – Tools and eco-system
45. What aspects of CF are preventing you or your company from embracing CF?
46. What are your company’s plans for your technology stack, if any?
47. What is your approximate salary range in USD? (Remember, this is anonymous)
48. What is your current arrangement for CF work?
49. What industry is your company in?
50. Any additional comments/suggestions for the survey?

Mentioned in this episode
Charlie’s UG list ____
CF feeds


Software Consultant passionate about Building Better Businesses using CFML, JavaScript, VueJS, Docker, Training, Podcasts and sharing all my lessons learned

Gavin Pickin – Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Gavin started using ColdFusion in 1999 when working for the University of Auckland in New Zealand before moving to California. He has led teams, trained new developers and worked the full stack from graphic design, HTML and CSS JavaScript through ColdFusion MySQL and server administration.

Gavin has a passion for learning and cannot understand why the 9-5ers aren’t listening to podcasts while changing diapers, watching video tutorials while cleaning baby bottles and folding clothes, or putting the kids to sleep with soothing phone gap mobile application cookbook recipes.